Issue № 1. 2021.

From the editorial board

Korosov A. V.We are working...
Displays: 1918; Downloads: 906;
2 - 3

Original research

Vodunon N. R., Tokinova R. P.Morphometric analysis of sexual dimorphism of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea) at the micropopulation level
Displays: 2892; Downloads: 1115;
4 - 17
Ivanter E.To the population ecology of the birch mouse (Sicista betulina pall.) at the northern limit of the range. Report I. Abundance, biotopic disposal, daily activity, nutrition
Displays: 3092; Downloads: 1044;
18 - 29
Nakul G. L.Migration strategy of young Robin Erithacus rubecula in the east of the Russian plain
Displays: 2626; Downloads: 1063;
30 - 42
Polynova G. V., Polynova O. E.On the extinction of the intra-population group of the lizard Phrynocephalus mystaceus mystaceus (Pallas, 1776) in the overgrown semi-deserts of the Astrakhan region
Displays: 2611; Downloads: 1057;
43 - 51
Romanova E. B., Solomaykin E. I., Bakiev A. G., Gorelov R. A., Klenina A. A.Indicators of the leukocite system of the blood of the tesselated water snake Natrix tessellata of the Northern and Eastern Pre-Caspia
Displays: 2900; Downloads: 1092;
52 - 62
Selivanova M., Mikhantyev A.Influence of climatic and weather factors on the breeding season of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in the South of Western Siberia
Displays: 2844; Downloads: 1085;
63 - 76
Ukrainsky P. A., Terekhin E. A., Arbuzova M. V.Retrospective analysis of spatial patterns of of ash-leaved maple settlement in the protective zone of the Yamskaya steppe (Belogorye nature reserve)
Displays: 3068; Downloads: 1134;
77 - 89
Tsybekmitova G. T., Tashlykova N. A.Assessment of the ecological state the Kharanor reservoir by phytoplankton and its pigment characteristics
Displays: 3359; Downloads: 1098;
90 - 103


Cherlin V. A."Mother" of Russian terrariophilia
Displays: 2232; Downloads: 1063;
104 - 106