10 steps to the publication of the article


The article must meaningfully match the journal policy and meet  the requirements.  The manuscript is submitted to the editorial office by the authors’ filling in the electron form on the journal’s site.

1. Registration. The author or one of the authors fills in the registration form to receive the   access to the site of the Journal. The unique password which enables to enter the author’s personal page and the forms of the article are automatically generated and the confirmation e-mail is immediately sent to the author. Login is the e-mail address of the author.

2. Filling in the electron forms. To access the personal page an author should enter login and password into the field access. Here the author can select the type of a publication and begin to fill in the electronic forms for certain blocks of the article saving intermediate results. The forms are filled in in Russian. At this stage it is possible to access the pages of the forms many times and   make the changes in the article. It is advised to prepare the full text of the manuscript beforehand in   Word format and then copy the prepared fragments of the text via the clipboard into the forms. After filling in the last form it is possible to click “Receive   article in PDF”, and PDF file generated at the site of the Journal will be emailed to the author. If desired, the author can prepare a full translation of the text of the manuscript in English and send it to the editorial office by e-mail. The translation is checked for compliance with the latest version of the article accepted for publication, but is not corrected. The editorial board takes the trouble to place this author's translation on the English-language mirror of the journal.

3. Signing the article. After filling in all the mandatory forms, i.e. when the article is ready for sending to reviewers, an author must click “Send to editors”. After that the access to the article for editing is temporarily ceased.

4. Contract with the author for the publication of the article. By sending the manuscript to the editorial office for publication, the author thereby agrees to its publication on the conditions that are prescribed on the website of the journal "Principles of Ecology". The agreement between the editorial board of the journal and the author is considered concluded from the moment the author takes action on the direction of the manuscript and the action of the editorial board on its publication, subject to the specified conditions. The terms of the agreement (publication, scope of rights, lack of remuneration) are posted on the website as a public offer. Thus, the contract is concluded automatically without drawing up a written form signed by the parties.

5. Initial review. The article, together with the "Application for Publication", is sent to the Editor-in-Chief to assess compliance with the profile of the journal and then sent for initial review to one of the members of the editorial Board, a Scientific editor, a specialist in this field of knowledge. The timing of consideration of an article at this stage depends on the size of the queue; priority is given to articles received earlier than others. The deadline is 6 months.

6. External reviewing. The Scientific Editor or the Editor-in-Chief identifies one or two external Reviewers and informs them about the opportunity to start reviewing on the Journal's website. The corresponding Scientific Editor and the Editor-in-Chief are responsible for the authenticity of the review and the reviewer. Anonymity of the Reviewer is guaranteed, but not welcome. However, the surname of the Reviewer in case of his/her consent is placed on the title page of the article. It must take not more than a week from the signing of the article to the beginning of reviewing. External Reviewer fills in the forms of the review on-line at the site of the Journal. The reviewing must take not more than two weeks. Review details.

7. Optimization of the article by the Author.  The reviews of the external reviewer together with the review of the Scientific Editor (no later than two months after the signing of the article) appear on the Author's page (on the Journal's website). The author receives access to his/her article via login and password. Corrections to the article should be made within the next two weeks. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewers, the Author can discuss the comments with the Editor-in-Chief - in a chat on the journal's website or by e-mail. Correspondence between the Author and the Reviewer is impossible.

8. Final signing of the article. After making corrections in the electron forms at the site of the Journal the author signs the article (click “Send to Editorial Office”), after that the access to the article is ceased.

9. Optimization of the article by the Proofreader. The text of the article corrected by the Author goes to the Proofreader, who, in the mode of active communication with the Author and the Editor-in-Chief, corrects the errors of style, design and punctuation. The proofreading process takes two weeks.

10. Publication. The revised text of the article is signed by the Editor in Chief, included into the next issue and published on the site of the Journal. Articles accepted for publication are "manually" typeset and uploaded to the website in pdf format for download by readers. Within 10 days after publication, the articles receive the DOI index, the necessary files are sent for registration to the RSCI and DOAJ.

The Author discusses all problems with the Editor-in-Chief in a chat on the journal's website or by e-mail ecopri@petrsu.ru.