Tsybekmitova G., Tashlykova N. Assessment of the ecological state the Kharanor reservoir by phytoplankton and its pigment characteristics // Principy èkologii. 2021. № 1. P. 90‒103. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2021.10842

Issue № 1

Original research


Assessment of the ecological state the Kharanor reservoir by phytoplankton and its pigment characteristics

   Gazhit Tsybekmitovna
Ph.D., Associate professor, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS, Nedorezov st., 16a, Chita 672014 Russian Federation, gazhit@bk.ru
   Natalia Aleksandrovna
Ph.D., Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS, Nedorezov st., 16a, Chita 672014 Russian Federation, gazhit@bk.ru
pigment index
cooling pond
Kharanor hydroelectric power station
Summary: The ecosystem of water bodies and their general organic productivity are determined by the composition of phytoplankton and its photosynthetic activity. The qualitative and quantitative composition and the ratio of phytoplankton pigments in the Kharanor reservoir were studied according to the data of field studies during the ice-free period. The dominant complex of phytoplankton, represented by 16 species from 6 divisions, was revealed. In the formation of the total biomass, the leading role belonged to green, diatoms and golden algae. The obtained values of the indices of biodiversity, equalization and dominance for the reservoir indicate the simplification of the structure and average biodiversity of the phytoplankton community as well as the monodominance of the phytoplankton complex. The heterogeneity of the biotopic characteristics of different parts of the reservoir is manifested in the variability of the values of green pigments. In the area of the discharge channel of the hydroelectric power station, the ecosystem is under constant influence of the temperature factor. The increase in the content of chlorophyll-a in the area of the pumping station is associated with the intense mixing of water masses when pumping water from the Onon River. The constant mixing of river and lake waters in the reservoir does not contribute to the stabilization of the ecosystem, as indicated by the predominance of carotenoids over green pigments, positive indicators of pheophytin and the ratio of carotenoids/chlorophylls. The values of the pigment index indicate the physiological activity of phytoplankton in the production of organic matter. In general, the ecosystem retains its mesotrophic level of development.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: T. Kutyavina
Received on: 23 June 2020
Published on: 19 March 2021


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