Issue № 4. 2023.

From the editorial board

Korosov A. V.Traditional results
Displays: 627; Downloads: 124;

Original research

Dzuev R. I., Sharibova A. K., Kanukova V. N., Khulamkhanova M. M., Cheprakova A. A.Some data on different ways of adaptation of rodents to changes in the habitat in mountain conditions
Displays: 882; Downloads: 198;
4 - 10
Isakova K. V., Kalinkina N. M.Studying the spatial and temporal dynamics of water surface temperature of Lake Onega by remote sensing methods
Displays: 748; Downloads: 210;
11 - 26
Klimov K. S., Moskaev A. V., Gordeev M. I.Species composition and biotopic distribution of mosquito larvae of the genus Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Upper Volga lowland
Displays: 894; Downloads: 171;
27 - 38
Konovalov D. S., Nazukova Y. O.The experience of using the Woodiwiss index and indicators of benthic taxonomic richness to assess the ecological state of water bodies in Petrozavodsk
Displays: 659; Downloads: 146;
39 - 49
Sidorova N. A., Kuchko A. A.Features of associative symbiosis on the example of intestinal bacterioflora of rainbow trout (Parasalmo mykiss Walbaum)
Displays: 551; Downloads: 172;
50 - 60
Sonina A., Petrov R., Shakhnovich M.On the analysis of cenopopulations of the epilithic lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum on the territory of the northwestern White Sea
Displays: 602; Downloads: 178;
61 - 72


Sapunov V. B., Konnov D. V.Ecological monitoring of water bodies in conditions of information scarcity (on the example of the eastern part of the Leningrad region)
Displays: 593; Downloads: 181;
73 - 80

Letters to editors

Terebova E. N., Sergienko L. A., Pavlova M. A.Development of a rating system for evaluating the learning outcomes of students in environmental training areas
Displays: 535; Downloads: 144;
81 - 84


Makarov A. M.Apis mellifera
Displays: 496; Downloads: 162;
85 - 87
Rozenberg G. S.Ecology calendar
Displays: 567; Downloads: 141;
88 - 89