Issue № 1. 2018.

From the editorial board

Korosov A. V.Spurt
Displays: 3638; Downloads: 800;

Original research

Anikieva L., Sokolov S., Mamontova O., Parshukov A.Parasites of the European smelt Osmerus eperlanus (L.) of Lake Ladoga
Displays: 4432; Downloads: 1012;
4 - 14
Borshchevsky V., Koshevoy V.Assessment of thermohumid conditions within geographical ranges of widespread bird species (on the example of capercaillie: Tetrao urogallus, T.parvirostris)
Displays: 4999; Downloads: 1046;
15 - 37
Wakker V.To the ecology of trematodes Opisthioglyphe ranae (Telorchidae)
Displays: 5604; Downloads: 1237;
38 - 59
Kochetkova A. I., Bryzgalina E. S., Kalyuzhnaya I. Y., Sirotina S. L., Samoteyeva V. V., Rakshenko E. P.Overgrowth dynamics of the Tsimlyanskoe reservoir
Displays: 6915; Downloads: 1247;
60 - 72
Ozerskiy P. V.To the color variation in the common green grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus, Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Displays: 5324; Downloads: 1385;
73 - 84
Simonov S.Spatial heterogeneity of summer bird communities of Primorye
Displays: 4145; Downloads: 933;
85 - 102
Tarasov S. S., Koryagin A. S., Gavrilova A. A.The trophic dependence of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant oxidoreductases in blood plasma of the european rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) on the weeds consumed by it
Displays: 5207; Downloads: 1021;
103 - 112
Chernyavskiy E. A., Skvortsova M. V., Tarasova O. V.poplar planting, internal phyllophagous insects, leaf damage by insects
Displays: 5324; Downloads: 1073;
113 - 119


Rybakov D. S.The main changes in the environment and climate, and the possibility of overcoming environmental risks in the Republic of Karelia: problem statement
Displays: 6031; Downloads: 1310;
120 - 126