From the editorial board |
Korosov A. V. | Spurt Displays: 3638; Downloads: 800; | 3 |
Original research |
Anikieva L., Sokolov S., Mamontova O., Parshukov A. | Parasites of the European smelt Osmerus eperlanus (L.) of Lake Ladoga Displays: 4432; Downloads: 1012; | 4 - 14 |
Borshchevsky V., Koshevoy V. | Assessment of thermohumid conditions within geographical ranges of widespread bird species (on the example of capercaillie: Tetrao urogallus, T.parvirostris) Displays: 4999; Downloads: 1046; | 15 - 37 |
Wakker V. | To the ecology of trematodes Opisthioglyphe ranae (Telorchidae) Displays: 5604; Downloads: 1237; | 38 - 59 |
Kochetkova A. I., Bryzgalina E. S., Kalyuzhnaya I. Y., Sirotina S. L., Samoteyeva V. V., Rakshenko E. P. | Overgrowth dynamics of the Tsimlyanskoe reservoir Displays: 6915; Downloads: 1247; | 60 - 72 |
Ozerskiy P. V. | To the color variation in the common green grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus, Orthoptera: Acrididae) Displays: 5324; Downloads: 1385; | 73 - 84 |
Simonov S. | Spatial heterogeneity of summer bird communities of Primorye Displays: 4145; Downloads: 933; | 85 - 102 |
Tarasov S. S., Koryagin A. S., Gavrilova A. A. | The trophic dependence of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant oxidoreductases in blood plasma of the european rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) on the weeds consumed by it Displays: 5207; Downloads: 1021; | 103 - 112 |
Chernyavskiy E. A., Skvortsova M. V., Tarasova O. V. | poplar planting, internal phyllophagous insects, leaf damage by insects Displays: 5324; Downloads: 1073; | 113 - 119 |
Opinions |
Rybakov D. S. | The main changes in the environment and climate, and the possibility of overcoming environmental risks in the Republic of Karelia: problem statement Displays: 6031; Downloads: 1310; | 120 - 126 |