Simonov S. Spatial heterogeneity of summer bird communities of Primorye // Principy èkologii. 2018. № 1. P. 85‒102. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 1

Original research


Spatial heterogeneity of summer bird communities of Primorye

Ph.D., Pacific Geographical Institute Far-Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 7, Radio str., Vladivostok,
territorial heterogeneity
species composition
Summary: Spatial-typological variability of bird population in Near-Pacific territories has been studied much worse than that in the European and Western Siberian parts. However, there is a sufficient number of diverse information. The relevance of generalization of these materials is undeniable, as the general idea of the ornitocomplexes’ heterogeneity is now widely used when conducting environmental actions, assessing of the damage to wildlife and for cognitive purposes. The latter is significant in the zoogeographical representation of the vast part of the Palaearctic region comprising a significant part of terrestrial part of the world. We investigated the ornithocomplexes of Primorye, quantitative characteristic of bird populations and their distribution. The sample size was sufficient – 56 variants of populations in habitats of the landscape tract rank for 17 years of observations. Methods of data collection and analysis have been well developed previously. The new approaches of nonparametric statistics were used. As recent studies have shown, the results obtained in this case significantly complement and often refute the previously existing ideas about the boundaries and causes of heterogeneity of communities. In particular, the ecological features of connection between territorial changes in the ornithocomplexes and the main structure-forming environmental factors have been revealed.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: B. Kuranov
Reviewer: A. Zinoviev
Received on: 01 February 2018
Published on: 25 March 2018


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