Chulisov A., Konstantinov E., Vongsa T. Analysis of the asymmetry of folidosis of the flat-tailed house gecko Hemidactylus platyruus (Schneider, 1792) (Reptilia, Sauria, Gekkonidae) on the territory of cities of South-East Asia (Vientiane, Phnom penh, Bangkok) // Principy èkologii. 2020. № 1. P. 136‒148. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 1

Original research


Analysis of the asymmetry of folidosis of the flat-tailed house gecko Hemidactylus platyruus (Schneider, 1792) (Reptilia, Sauria, Gekkonidae) on the territory of cities of South-East Asia (Vientiane, Phnom penh, Bangkok)

Institute of Natural Sciences, Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University, Kaluga, Stepan Razin st., 26,
PhD, associate professor, Institute of Natural Sciences, Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University, Kaluga, Stepan Razin st., 26,
Institute of Natural Sciences, Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University, Kaluga, Stepan Razin st., 26,
Fluctuating asymmetry
Southeast Asia
Statistical analysis
Urban ecology
Hemidactylus platyurus
Synanthropic herpetofauna
Summary: In this work, we performed a comprehensive statistical analysis of fluctuating asymmetry of bilateral symmetric traits of folidosis of the head and limbs of the flat-tailed house gecko Hemidactylus platyurus. Sexual dimorphism and age-related differences were not found in all three analyzed groups (p = 0.12 - 0.83; p = 0.52 - 0.94, respectively). Significant discrepancies in the differentiation of biotopes by FA level between the central and marginal zones for samples without taking into account the type of substrate were not revealed in any of the studied populations. Differences in the integral index depending on the type of substrate were revealed in all three cities, both when comparing samples within cities and among themselves (p < 0.05). It was noted that the FA asymmetry coefficient was higher on walls (p < 0.36 - 0.84) than on tree trunks (0.10 - 0.58). A cross-population comparison of samples from Bangkok - Phnom Penh and Bangkok – Vientiane revealed highly significant differences in the FA index (p < 0.05).When comparing Phnom Penh - Vientiane, no differences were found. Bangkok is a large transport and industrially developed metropolis with a population of more than 5 million people, while Phnom Penh and Vientiane are significantly inferior in these indicators. Transport and industrial enterprises are the main source of physical and chemical pollution of the urban environment, directly or indirectly affecting the stability of the development of living organisms.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: N. Ananyeva
Received on: 21 November 2019
Published on: 20 March 2020


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