Issue № 4. 2016.

From the editorial board

Korosov A. V.About deadlines
Displays: 4350; Downloads: 1035;

Analytical review

Loginov V. V., Gelashvili D.The damage to water biological resources in the reservoirs of the Volga-Kama cascade caused by hydro power plants
Displays: 21958; Downloads: 1823;
4 - 25

Original research

Kokorina I., Katsko S., Ravkin Y., Bogomolova I.Distribution assessment and mapping of the hunting resources of rock ptarmigan and willow ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus (Mont.) and L. lagopus (L.)) on the West Siberian Plain
Displays: 5786; Downloads: 1215;
26 - 32
Labuzova O., Noskova T., Lysenko M., Ovcharenko E., Papina T.Snow cover as a source of technogenic pollution of surface water during the snow melting period
Displays: 8432; Downloads: 1377;
33 - 41
Ufimtseva A.Long-term variability in terms of arrival and departure of whitethroat (Sylvia communis) and chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) in the South-East of the lake Ladoga
Displays: 5048; Downloads: 1139;
42 - 48
Fomina Y., Syarki M.Determination of dynamic zooplankton characteristics of the Lake Onego
Displays: 5810; Downloads: 1156;
49 - 56

Letters to editors

Cherlin V. A., Leontieva O., Tchervjatsova O.Alexandr V. Ryumin – the forgotten biologist
Displays: 11687; Downloads: 1604;
57 - 89


Makarov A. M.Сlassic ideas in the light of new discoveries
Displays: 4142; Downloads: 1004;
90 - 92