Fomina Y., Syarki M. Determination of dynamic zooplankton characteristics of the Lake Onego // Principy èkologii. 2016. № 4. P. 49‒56. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 4

Original research


Determination of dynamic zooplankton characteristics of the Lake Onego

Northern water problems Institute KRC RAN, Petrozavodsk, A.Nevskij st., 50,
Northern water problems Institute KRC RAN, Petrozavodsk, A.Nevskij st., 50,
seasonal dynamics
growth rate of biomass
temperature influence
Summary: The dynamic zooplankton characteristics in the annual cycle were calculated based on the average year-to-year seasonal dynamics trajectories. The analysis showed that the seasonal curves reflect the biologycal features of the zooplankton groups: Crustaceans and Rotarians. The maximum biomass growth rates of the both groups were observed at the same time, approximately 195 days from the beginning of the year. In the both groups the biomass peaks and zero growth rate were separated by 10 days. The maximum intensity of biomass growth complies well with daily P / B-coefficients of mass species of crustaceans and rotifers. It was shown that water temperature influences the dynamic zooplankton parameters stronger in the spring than in other seasons.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: T. Zinchenko
Reviewer: N. M. Kalinkina
Received on: 23 April 2016
Published on: 25 October 2016


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