Loginov V., Gelashvili D. The damage to water biological resources in the reservoirs of the Volga-Kama cascade caused by hydro power plants // Principy èkologii. 2016. № 4. P. 4‒25. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2016.4681

Issue № 4

Analytical review


The damage to water biological resources in the reservoirs of the Volga-Kama cascade caused by hydro power plants

   Vladimir Vladimirovich
Ph. D., Nizhny Novgorod Department of the State Research Institute of Lake and River Fisheries name L.S. Berg, 603116 Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow av., 31, loginovvv69@mail.ru
Dr.Sci., Nizhny Novgorod State University name N.I. Lobachevsky, 603950 Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin av., 23, buil. 1, ecology@bio.unn.ru
aquatic biological resources
the Volga-Kama cascade of reservoirs
hydro power plant
damage to aquatic biological resources
Summary: Hydro structures on rivers adversely affects fisheries, disturbing the conditions of natural reproduction of fish. All hydro power plants cause enormous damage to aquatic biological resources (ABR), especially fish populations. Water works of Volga-Kama cascade of reservoirs are no exception. Therefore, the investigation of the impact of hydro power plants and other hydro structures on ABR in lowland reservoirs and especially the reservoirs of the Volga-Kama cascade is undoubtedly crucial. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the damage to ABR inflicted by HPP cascade mainly the Volga-Kama cascade on the basis of reported data and those of field observations.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: M. Skorobogatov
Reviewer: A. E. Veselov
Received on: 14 December 2015
Published on: 29 June 2016


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