Issue № 1. 2023.

From the editorial board

Korosov A. V.About large files
Displays: 1028; Downloads: 511;

Original research

Garyagdyev G. C.Karakum desert forests in the fight against desertification
Displays: 1648; Downloads: 611;
4 - 12
Gorbach V.The dynamics the flight of the imago of the fritillary boloria freija (Insect, Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) and the number of its local populations in the middle taiga landscape (on the example of the Kivach Nature Reserve)
Displays: 1220; Downloads: 583;
13 - 25
Ivanter E.To study the structure, heat-protective properties and moulting of the root vole and northern birch mouse
Displays: 1358; Downloads: 621;
26 - 44
Klimenko O., Yakusheva N., Klimenko N. I., Popov A. I., Stepovenko V.Biopreparations as a method to biologize the agrocoenosis of the pear nursery
Displays: 1330; Downloads: 603;
45 - 57
Kryukov V. I., Zhuchkov S. A., Lazareva T. N.Chromium (VI) ions induce micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities in amphibian erythrocytes
Displays: 1777; Downloads: 568;
58 - 66
Moiseeva T.To the question of the behavior of the brown bear in captivity
Displays: 1480; Downloads: 615;
67 - 81
Pilip L., Syrchina N., Kuznetsov D.Livestock complexes as sources of environmental pollution with heavy metals (Cu, Zn)
Displays: 1312; Downloads: 897;
82 - 89


Korosov A. V.The book that predetermined life
Displays: 1191; Downloads: 578;
90 - 92
Korosov A. V.Maxent in the Excel
Displays: 1215; Downloads: 593;
93 - 95