Lazareva G., Shakhova N., Anisimova O. Assessment of the inflow of pollutants into the Uglich reservoir with surface runoff from the coastal territory // Principy èkologii. 2022. № 3. P. 31‒42. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 3

Original research


Assessment of the inflow of pollutants into the Uglich reservoir with surface runoff from the coastal territory

PhD, Dubna State University, 141980 Russia, Dubna, Universitetskaya st., 19,
Dubna Ecoanalytic Laboratory, 141980 Russia, Moscow oblast, Dubna,
PhD, Dubna State University, 141980 Russia, Moscow oblast, Dubna, Universitetskaya st., 19,
diffuse pollution
hydrochemical indicators
volume of pollutants intake
surface runoff
Uglich reservoir
Summary: In order to study the inflow of pollutants into water bodies with surface runoff and search for mathematical methods for calculating it, a research algorithm was proposed. According to it, at the first stage, the calculation of the volume of surface runoff and the mass of specific removal of pollutants from the coastal territory (200 m wide) located in the area of the studied station (taking into account the nature of the underlying surface, climatic characteristics, etc.). At the second stage, a chemical analysis of waters is carried out according to priority hydrochemical indicators. At the third stage, calculated data on priority indicators (taking into account the dilution of the river) and actual ones are analyzed and compared. The algorithm was applied in the study of the upper stations of the Uglich reservoir in the area of Dubna and Kimry (Abramovo village). In assessing the contribution of surface runoff from residential areas, only priority indicators were used: suspended solids, petroleum products, chemical oxygen consumption. The data of chemical analysis of reservoir waters were averaged over 4 years of observation. The results obtained by the calculation method are compared with the actual data of laboratory chemical analysis of waters. The mass of the annual intake of pollutants with surface runoff from the coastal territory was estimated. It was shown that runoff from the studied coastal territories was not the only source of pollution in the area of the studied stations. Considering the nature of the development (the predominance of individual residential development without a centralized sewerage system, with cesspools and septic tanks), a significant contribution to water pollution may be due to unorganized runoff of household water, as well as the introduction of pollutants by tributaries – drainage ditches, the Kimrka River, etc.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 09 June 2022
Published on: 02 October 2022


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