From the editorial board |
Korosov A. V. | 200 readers Displays: 3926; Downloads: 865; | 3 - 4 |
Analytical review |
Kutenkov A. | Spatial-ecological divergence of the common frog (Rana temporaria L.) and the moor frog (Rana arvalis Nilss.) within their geographic ranges Displays: 12853; Downloads: 1938; | 4 - 51 |
Original research |
Barbazyuk E. | Long-term population dynamics of the Black Grouse Lyrurus tetrix in the steppe zone of Orenburg region under the influence of fires (on the example of Burtinskaya Steppe , Orenburg Reserve) Displays: 5414; Downloads: 1487; | 52 - 60 |
Grodnitsky D., Gurov A. | Imago feeding preference of the black fir sawyer Monochamus urussovi Fisch. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Displays: 6792; Downloads: 1429; | 61 - 69 |
Zaytseva T., Medvedeva N. | Effect of mustard gas hydrolysis products on the development of water-bloom forming cyanobacteria Displays: 7460; Downloads: 1379; | 70 - 80 |
Kalinkina N. M., Belkina N. A., Sidorova A. I., Galibina N. A., Nikerova K. M. | Bioassay of Lake Onego bottom sediments toxicity based on their chemical composition and deepwater macrozoobenthos state Displays: 6646; Downloads: 1833; | 81 - 103 |
Methods of ecological investigations |
Kalinkina N. M., Korosov A. V., Syarki M. T. | For creating an expert system of Lake Onega: optimization of monitoring the state of the ecosystem on zooplankton indicators Displays: 6831; Downloads: 1477; | 117 - 132 |
Original research |
Ravkin Y. S., Bogomolova I. N., Tsybulin S. M. | Ecological arrangement of floro-faunistic heterogeneity of northern Eurasia Displays: 6367; Downloads: 1234; | 145 - 159 |
Letters to editors |
Cherlin V. A. | Biographical material about S. S. Liberman and N. V.Pokrovskaya – the authors of the article on thermal biology of the sand lizard, 1943, and about the people involved in that work Displays: 6591; Downloads: 1257; | 133 - 145 |
Synopsis |
Korosov A. V. | A word about GIS in ecology Displays: 5230; Downloads: 1212; | 146 - 147 |