Kalinkina N., Belkina N., Sidorova A., Galibina N., Nikerova K. Bioassay of Lake Onego bottom sediments toxicity based on their chemical composition and deepwater macrozoobenthos state // Principy èkologii. 2017. № 1. P. 81‒103. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2017.6022

Issue № 1

Original research


Bioassay of Lake Onego bottom sediments toxicity based on their chemical composition and deepwater macrozoobenthos state

   Nataliya Michailovna
D.Sc., Northern Water Problems Institute, KRC RAN, Aleksander Nevsky st., 50 185030 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia Russia, cerioda@mail.ru
   Natalya Alexandrovna
PhD, Northern Water Problems Institute, KRC RAN, Aleksander Nevsky st., 50 185030 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia Russia, bel110863@mail.ru
   Anastasiya Ivanovna
PhD, Northern Water Problems Institute, KRC RAN, Aleksander Nevsky st., 50 185030 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia Russia, bolt-nastya@yandex.ru
   Nataliya Alekseevna
PhD, Forest Institute, KRC RAN, Pushkinskaya st., 11 185910 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia Russia, galibina@krc.karelia.ru
   Kseniya Mikhailovna
Forest Institute, KRC RAN, Pushkinskaya st., 11 185910 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia Russia, knikerova@yandex.ru
Deepwater macrozoobenthos
bottom sediments
lake Onego
chemical composition
Summary: The bioassay of the toxicity of bottom sediments sampled in different areas of Lake Onega was carried out by crustaceans biotesting (Ceriodaphnia affinis Lillijeborg). It was shown that in the most areas of Lake Onega there are non-toxic bottom sediments. Toxic bottom sediments were found in Kondopogskaya Bay, intensively polluted with pulp-and-paper mill wastewaters. For the first time in the deep central part of Lake Onega the area was revealed where the toxic bottom sediments contain a high content of iron, manganese and other trace elements typical for the central areas of the lake. The mapping of the bottom of Lake Onega was accomplished, and three zones were identified based on the analysis of the data concerning the chemical composition of bottom sediments, bioassay toxicity data and the results of the deepwater macrozoobenthos assessment. For each zone the parameters of the main groups of benthos (Amphipoda, Oligochaeta, Chironomidae) were defined. The first zone is located in the area of intensive anthropogenic influence (Kondopogskaya Bay, Petrozavodskaya Bay, Povenets Bay, Kizhi Skerries). The second zone is located mostly in the deep part of Petrozavodskaya Bay, where the most intensive development of amphipods is observed. The third area is identified for the first time: it is located in the central deep part of Lake Onega, where the communities of macrozoobenthos are limited by a natural toxic factor.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: N. Berezina
Reviewer: A. E. Veselov
Received on: 22 November 2016
Published on: 27 March 2017


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Kalinkina N. M., Sidorova A. I., Galibina N. A., Nikerova K. M. The toxicity of Lake Onego sediments in connection with the natural and anthropogenic factors influence, Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference. June 18–20, 2015. Vol. 2. Rezekne: Rezeknes Augstskola, 2015. P. 124–127.

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Kalinkina N. M. Berezina N. A. Sidorova A. I. Belkina N. A. Morozov A. K. Bioassay toxicity of bottom sediments of large water bodies in Northwest of Russia using crustaceans, Vodnye resursy. 2013. T. 40. No. 6. P. 612–622.

Kalinkina N. M. Kulikova T. P. Litvinova I. A. Polyakova T. N. Syarki M. T. Tekanova E. V. Timakova T. M. Chekryzheva T. A. Bioindication of water and bottom sediment pollution in the Kondopogskaya Bay of Lake Onega,  Geoekologiya. 2011. No. 3. P. 265–273.

Kashulin N. A. Dauval'ter D. A. Il'yashuk B. P. Ratkin N. E. Vandysh O. I. Modern approaches to the evaluation of transformation processes of northern freshwater ecosystems, Vodnye resursy Evropeyskogo Severa Rossii: itogi i perspektivy issledovaniy: Materialy yubileynoy konferencii, posvyaschennoy 15-letnemu yubileyu IVPP. Petrozavodsk: Izd-vo KarNC RAN, 2006. P. 197–218.

Korosov A. V. Ecological applications of component analysis. Petrozavodsk: Izd-vo PetrGU, 1996. 152 p.

The largest lakes and water reservoirs’ in the  northwest of the European territory of Russia: current state and change of ecosystems under climatic and anthropogenic impacts, Pod red. N. N. Filatova, N. M. Kalinkinoy, T. P. Kulikovoy, A. V. Litvinenko, P. A. Lozovika. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skiy nauchnyy centr RAN, 2015. 375 p.

Lake Onega. Ecological problems, Otv. red. N. N. Filatov. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skiy nauchnyy centr RAN, 1999. 293 p.

Basics of ecogeology, bioindication and biological testing of aquatic ecosystems, Pod red. V. V. Kurilenko. SPb.: Izd-vo S, Peterb. un-ta, 2004. 448 p.

Pal'shin N. I. Thermal and hydrodynamic processes in lakes during the freeze-up period. Petrozavodsk: Izd-vo KarNC RAN, 1999. 86 p.

Polyakova T. N. Bottom cenoses under anthropogenic eutrophication, Onezhskoe ozero. Ekologicheskie problemy, Red. N. N. Filatov. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skiy nauchnyy centr RAN, 1999. P. 211–227.

Polyakova T. N. Macrozoobenthos. Lake Onega: AtlasPetrozavodsk: Izd-vo KarNC RAN, 2010. P. 119–121.

Polyakova T. N. Macrozoobenthos. Lake Onega, Sovremennoe sostoyanie vodnyh ob'ektov Respubliki Kareliya. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skiy nauchnyy centr RAN, 1998. P. 64–67.

Rin'kis G. Ya. Ramane H. K. Kunickaya T. A. Methods of soil and plant analysis. Riga: Zinatne, 1987. 174 p.

Ryabinkin A. V. Polyakova T. N. Macrozoobenthos of a lake and its role in fish nutrition, Bioresursy Onezhskogo ozera. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skiy nauchnyy centr RAN, 2008. P. 67‒91.

Sabylina A. V. Lozovik P. A. Zobkov M. B. The chemical composition of the water of Lake Onega and its tributaries, Vodnye resursy. 2010. T. 37. No. 6. P. 717‒729.

Stadnichenko A. P. Effect of iron sulfate to rapid behavioral and physiological responses of coil horny (Molluska: Gastropoda: Pulmonata), Gidrobiologicheskiy zhurnal. 2014. No. 4. T. 50. P. 45–50.

Sterligova O. P. Kitaev S. P. Il'mast N. V. Komulaynen S. F. Kuchko Ya. A. Pavlovskiy S. A. Savosin E. S. Status of Lake Onega bays with the commercial cultivation of rainbow trout, Povolzhskiy ekologicheskiy zhurnal. 2011. No. 3. P. 386–393.

Syarki M. T. Tekanova E. V. The seasonal cycle of primary production in Lake Onega, Izvestiya RAN. Ser. Biologicheskaya. 2008. No. 5. P. 621–625.

Tomilina I. I. Ecological and toxicological characteristics of the bottom sediments of water bodies in the North-West of Russia. Borok, 2000. 22 p.

Shitikov V. K. Rozenberg G. S. Zinchenko T. D. Quantitative hydroecology: methods, criteria, decisions. M.: Nauka, 2005. Kn. 2. 337 p.

The ecosystem of Lake Onega and its trends of changing. L.: Nauka, 1990. 264 p.

Borodulina G. S., Belkina N. A. Study of the geochemical anomalies at the water-sediment boundary in subaqueous groundwater discharge zones in lake Onega, Book of abstract. 32nd congress of the international society of limnology. Budapest. August 4–9. Budapest, 2013. P. 191.

Burton G. A. Assessing the toxicity of freshwater sediments: annual review, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1991. Vol. 10. P. 1585–1627.

Chapman P. M.  Pollution status of North Sea sediments – an international integrative study, Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1992. Vol. 91. P. 313–322.

Chapman P. M. The sediment quality triad approach to determining pollution-induced degradation, Science of the Total Environment. 1990. Vol. 97–98. November. P. 815–825.

Hakanson L., Jansson M. Principles of lake sedimentology. Berlin, 1983. 316 p.

Kalinkina N. M., Sidorova A. I., Galibina N. A., Nikerova K. M. The toxicity of Lake Onego sediments in connection with the natural and anthropogenic factors influence, Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference. June 18–20, 2015. Vol. 2. Rezekne: Rezeknes Augstskola, 2015. P. 124–127.

Khabarov Yu. G. Use of nitric acid for determination of lignosulfonates, Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2004. Vol. 77. No. 5. P. 858–860.

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