Issue № 1. 2015.

From the editorial board

Korosov A. V.How can we reorganize the "thermal biology of reptiles"?
Displays: 4869; Downloads: 1193;

Analytical review

Litvinov N. A.On the estimation of body temperature of reptiles, its relation with outside temperature and adaptability of size and color
Displays: 10366; Downloads: 1795;
4 - 16

Original research

Cherlin V.Heat adaptations in reptiles and the mechanism of their formation
Displays: 37337; Downloads: 2690;
17 - 76


Korosov A. V.Is this a new word in thermal biology of reptiles?
Displays: 5725; Downloads: 1192;
77 - 85
Displays: 5324; Downloads: 1371;
86 - 95


Gorbach V.Problems of population ecology
Displays: 5205; Downloads: 1421;
96 - 99