Cherlin V. Study of the reptile thermobiology in the world and in the USSR/the Russian Federation 2. Studies of the reptile thermobiology in the USSR/the Russian Federation // Principy èkologii. 2019. № 4. P. 96‒132. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 4

Letters to editors


Study of the reptile thermobiology in the world and in the USSR/the Russian Federation 2. Studies of the reptile thermobiology in the USSR/the Russian Federation

   Vladimir Alexandrovich
D.Sc., Dagestan state univeersity, Gadzhiev st., 43 a, Makhachkala, 367000, Republik of Dagestan,
thermal biology
history of research
Summary: The article describes the history and regularities of research on the thermobiology of reptiles in the USSR/Russian Federation. The first woks on this topic appeared in the early 30s of the twentieth century, i.e. about 100 years later than abroad. Their general analysis up to the present moment is given. But the very first serious publications in the USSR dating from the early 30s – early 40s of the twentieth century immediately bore the imprint of the classical Russian biological school. They became a serious, but not yet sufficiently appreciated contribution to the thermobiology of reptiles and to the biological science in general. It is the publications of I. D. Strelnikov, A. V. Ryumin, M. A. Sergeev, V. V.Chernomordikov, M. S. Lieberman and N. V. Pokrovskaya that can be considered by right the historical beginning of this direction of biological researches.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 31 March 2019
Published on: 11 February 2020


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