Massalimov I., Akhmetshin B., Mustafin A., Burkitbaev M., Urakaev F. Antifungal properties of sulfur nanoparticles in and its importance in modern crop production // Principy èkologii. 2022. № 1. P. 74‒81. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 1

Original research


Antifungal properties of sulfur nanoparticles in and its importance in modern crop production

D.Sc., Bashkir state University, 450076, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Zaki Validi st., 32,
   Bulat Salavatovich
Bashkir state University, 450076, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Zaki Validi st., 32,
Bashkir state University, 450076, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Zaki Validi st., 32,
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050038, Al-Farabi Ave.,71,
V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Ac. Koptyuga ave., 3,
Summary: Nowadays, the safety of preparations in relation to the environment is becoming crucial, and many traditional preparations are gradually being excluded from the list of permitted ones for reasons of toxicity or the presence of long-term environmental consequences. In this regard, the main trend of modern agriculture is the use of preparations that are easily and quickly absorbed and stimulate plant growth, give a high and high-quality yield. The solution of these problems is possible through the use of preparations created on the basis of nanotechnologies, which are able to have an effective impact on plants in very low concentrations. The use of nanopreparations does not replace the use of traditional nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers, but they can multiply the efficiency of their use. The effect of their use as plant protection agents against diseases and pests, as well as to stimulate plant growth, in many cases can far exceed that of traditional preparations. One of the most popular chemical elements along with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus is sulfur – an important element of plant nutrition. Sulfur is an inorganic fungicide and acaricide, so it has long been used in agriculture to combat fungal diseases and herbivorous mites. In this paper, the fungicidal effect of environmentally safe elemental sulfur in micro- and nanoforms is compared with the action of preparations of different nature and dispersion on the same pathogenic organisms. Based on the obtained results, it is proposed to partially or completely replace toxic drugs with environmentally safe forms when creating plant protection products.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 22 April 2019
Published on: 30 March 2022


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