Kozhevnikov A., Kosyakov D., Varakin E., Majorov I. Development of the experimental hardware and software complex for environmental monitoring of pollution of the Arctic territory with dangerous chemical elements and compounds // Principy èkologii. 2016. № 5. P. 81‒90. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2016.5824

Issue № 5

Methods of ecological investigations


Development of the experimental hardware and software complex for environmental monitoring of pollution of the Arctic territory with dangerous chemical elements and compounds

M.V.Lomonosov's Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Emb. 17, Arkhangelsk, Russia; 163002, akozhevnikov@mail.ru
PhD, M.V.Lomonosov' s Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Emb. 17, Arkhangelsk, Russia; 163002, kosyakov@mail.ru
M.V.Lomonosov's Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Emb. 17, Arkhangelsk, Russia; 163002, varakin.ev@yandex.ru
PhD, M.V.Lomonosov's Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Severnaya Dvina Emb. 17, Arkhangelsk, Russia; 163002, ilmay@mail.ru
environmental monitoring
data base
geographic information system
Summary: In the course of the work, it has been proposed to use the experimental hardware and software complex (EHSC) for the automation of the complex environmental analitical monitoring during expeditions and research. The complex presents data in a cartographic mode in GIS ArcView 10.1. EHSC allows to present the data of toxicants analysis in sea water, snow, ice and bottom sediments. The novelty of this design lies in the automatic recognition of quantitative chemical analysis results, correlation of obtained data with sampling coordinates, elimination of the human factor during information processing. Automated functions of the complex significantly reduce the time of processing , analysis and visualization of the data obtained as a result of environmental monitoring of the natural objects in the Arctic.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: E. Sashina
Reviewer: V. V. Vapirov
Received on: 05 October 2016
Published on: 07 December 2016


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