Baglaeva E., Rakhmatova A., Kramarenko A., Sergeev A. Biondication of Shartashsky forest park urban soil of Ekaterinburg using Raphanus Sativus // Principy èkologii. 2016. № 2. P. 16‒26. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 2

Original research


Biondication of Shartashsky forest park urban soil of Ekaterinburg using Raphanus Sativus

   Elena Mikhailovna
Ph.D., Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS, S.Kovalevskaya St., 20, Ekaterinburg, Russia,
   Anna Yur
Ural Federal University, Mira St., 19, Ekaterinburg, Russia,
   Anna Aleksandrovna
Ural Federal University, Mira St., 19, Ekaterinburg, Russia,
   Aleksandr Petrovich
Ph.D, Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS, S.Kovalevskaya St., 20, Ekaterinburg, Russia,
Raphanus Sativus
soil pollution
forest park
Summary: Ekaterinburg is a large industrial center of Russia. The pollution of the environment with heavy metals is increasing due to the industrialization and human activities. Heavy metals present a very serious problem for all living beings. The aim of this paper is to identify the pollutant content changes in the environment using Raphanus Sativus. For bioindication of urbanized soil in Shartashsky forest park of Ekaterinburg city the growth of Raphanus Sativus was investigated at ten sample plots and a control one. The element concentration in the plants and soil samples was determined by X-ray analysis. The transition of zinc, titanium, iron and calcium from the soil into the Raphanus Sativus was assessed. The results of the correlation analysis of the content of chemical elements in the samples of plants and soil can be represented as a scheme: Ti (0.94)> Zn (0.68)> Ca (0.53)> Fe (0.45). Spearman correlation coefficients are given in brackets. Zinc content in the soil and radish samples was found to be higher than the maximum allowable concentration defined in accordance with the Russian State Standard System. It is shown that radish can be used as an indicator of soil pollution with zinc.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: N. Vasilevskaya
Received on: 11 January 2016
Published on: 26 May 2016


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