Konovalov A., Borisov M. Long-term dynamics of the fish population in the waterbodies of the Vologda region // Principy èkologii. 2015. № 4. P. 22‒34. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2015.4721

Issue № 4

Original research


Long-term dynamics of the fish population in the waterbodies of the Vologda region

   Alexander Fedorovich
PhD, Vologda laboratory of State Research Institute on Lake and River Fisheries, 160012, Russia, Vologda, Levicheva st., 5, alexander-konovalov@yandex.ru
   Mikhail Yanovich
PhD, Vologda laboratory of State Research Institute on Lake and River Fisheries, 160012, Russia, Vologda, Levicheva st., 5, myaborisov@mail.ru
faunal complexes
ecological groups
fish and lampreys
fish population
long-term dynamics
Vologda region
Summary: In the article the long-term dynamics of the total catch of the main commercial fish in the water bodies of the Vologda region were traced. It was stated that the total catch of smelt, vendace, burbot and whitefish declined most significantly, whereas, the total catch of bream, perch and roach grow quite rapidly in water bodies of the Vologda region. As a whole, the biomass and catches of fish of the Arctic freshwater faunal complex decrease in the water bodies of the Vologda region, but those of fish of the Boreal-plain and freshwater Pontian and Amphiboreal faunal complexes increase. The main reason of this is the long-term climate warming in the Vologda region. As a result, the proportion of relatively warm-water fish which breed in the flooded vegetation and their total biomass increase, while the same factors of cold-water fish reduce.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: V. Golovanov
Reviewer: A. E. Veselov
Received on: 28 December 2015
Published on: 11 March 2016


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