Elkina T., Domracheva L., Khitrin S., Fuks S., Devyaterikova S. Determination of the toxicity level of the fluoropolymers production wastes by reaction of soil microflora and cyanobacteria Nostoc paludosum Kütz // Principy èkologii. 2014. № 1. P. 43‒52. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2014.3321

Issue № 1

Original research


Determination of the toxicity level of the fluoropolymers production wastes by reaction of soil microflora and cyanobacteria Nostoc paludosum Kütz

Vyatka state agricultural academy, Kirov, October av., 131, tatyana_1@inbox.ru
Dr.Sc., Vyatka state agricultural academy, Kirov, October av., 131, dli-alga@mail.ru
Dr.Sc., Vyatka State University, Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 36, office 425 A, tzb_khitrin@vyatsu.ru
Ph.D., Vyatka State University, Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 36, office 425 A, tzb_fuks@vyatsu.ru
Ph.D., Vyatka State University, Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 36, office 425 A, tzb_kaf@vyatsu.ru
soil microflora
soil algae
Summary: The environment is constantly receiving the substances that are artificially synthesized by human, hence, not inherent in nature, that are circulating in it. One of the most common wastes of fluoroelastomer SKF-26 production is the mother solution entering the environment together with the wastewater of chemical enterprises. Until now limits of allowable concentrations of these compounds have not been established, as they are considered practically safe. By determining the toxicity level of the waste of fluoropolymers production conducted by reaction of soil algae , cyanobacteria and micromycetes it was showed that the waste of fluorine rubber SKF-26 production are not safe or neutral for these groups of microorganisms. The toxicity of high concentrations of the mother solution SKF-26 was particularly evident in the damaging effects to the of the test organism Nostoc paludosum in aqueous medium. Field experiments confirmed that not only mother solutions, but also the possible products of their transformations are toxic. This fact clearly illustrates the change in the structure of mikocenoses where a progressive increase in populations with melanized mycelium takes place.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 10 April 2014
Published on: 12 September 2014

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