Sivkov Y., Nikiforov A. Reduction of phytotoxicity of oil-contaminated peat soils through the use of regenerative complexes based on surfactants // Principy èkologii. 2024. № 2. P. 3‒2. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 2

Original research


Reduction of phytotoxicity of oil-contaminated peat soils through the use of regenerative complexes based on surfactants

   Yuri Viktorovich
Ph.D., professor assisstant, Tyumen Industrial University, 625000, Tyumen, Lunacharsky St., 2,
   Artur Sergeevich
Ph.D., Tyumen Industrial University, 625000, Tyumen, Lunacharsky St., 2 2,
oil pollution
peat soil
Summary: The article presents studies on the effectiveness of using various regenerative complexes based on the surfactants “Hydrobreak” and “Rifey” with the inclusion of bacteria and fertilizers for purification of oil-contaminated peat soils. The object of the study was peat soil on medium peat and peaty gley soil contaminated with commercial oil. During the experiment, the residual content of petroleum products and phytotoxicity indicators were assessed. The results of the studies showed that the most effective way to reduce soil contamination with oil was using surfactants, biological preparations and fertilizers. The decrease in concentration over 26 days in this case was 37.4 and 34.8% for peat soil on medium peat and peaty gley soil, respectively. When assessing phytotoxicity, oats were used as test objects. A decrease in phytotoxicity was observed in all variants of using regenerative complexes. When using regenerative complexes, germination rate for peat soil on medium peat was higher than in the control by 6–32 %, for peaty gley soil by 8–30 %. The conducted studies indicate the high efficiency of the use of regenerative complexes.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 12 November 2023
Published on: 26 June 2024


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