Prosekov A. Assessment of the impact of the construction of large hydrological facilities on the state of the hunting economy in the adjacent territory (on the example of the Krapivinsky hydroelectric complex) // Principy èkologii. 2021. № 4. P. 89‒97. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 4

Original research


Assessment of the impact of the construction of large hydrological facilities on the state of the hunting economy in the adjacent territory (on the example of the Krapivinsky hydroelectric complex)

   Alexander Yuryevich
D.Sc., Professor, Kemerovo State University, 650000, Russia, Kemerovo, Krasnaya st., 6,
hydroelectric facilities
hunting resources
computer modeling
hydroelectric power station
Summary: This article discusses the impact of the construction of large hydroelectric facilities on the state of hunting grounds in flooded areas on the example of the construction of the Krapivinsky hydroelectric complex on the Tom River. The models of development of sustainable hunting economy based on multisectoral territorial forest management are discussed. In particular, this applies to reservoirs and associated hydroelectric power plants (HPPs), since these are the largest structures with a significant impact on the animal world over large areas. The aim of this work is to assess the impact of the construction of large hydroelectric facilities on the state of hunting resources (on the example of the completion of the Krapivinsky hydroelectric complex in the Kemerovo region, Kuzbass). It was established that this led to the loss of capital and income in the hunting sector of the Kemerovo region, Kuzbass, which should be taken into account, compensated, and should be considered when calculating the commercial efficiency of the project. The research results allows us to establish the flooding zones of the Krapivinsky reservoir, which is a reference point for further monitoring of the condition of flooded lands and other associated biological resources. The obtained results can be used to assess and predict the impact of other large low-lying water bodies of the forest zone on natural resources, including (with certain changes) water bodies in Siberia and the Far East.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 04 December 2021
Published on: 28 December 2021


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