Puzachenko A. The Shannon–Hartley Law and the limit of self-ordering of biological systems // Principy èkologii. 2020. № 3. P. 28‒44. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2020.10822

Issue № 3

Conference proceedings May 22, 2020


The Shannon–Hartley Law and the limit of self-ordering of biological systems

   Andrey Yuryevich
DSc, Geography institut RAS, 119017, Moskow, Staromonetny st., 29, puzak@igras.ru
Shannon – Hartley Law
biological systems
Summary: Biological systems belong to a special class of physical systems that are characterized by the ability to simultaneously self-organize and evolve. Any interaction of material systems is accompanied by the synthesis-transmission-reception of information. The Shannon – Hartley law limits the throughput capacity of an information channel. Following W. R. Ashby, we associate self-regulation/self-organization with the limitations of the system controller's throughput capacity. It is assumed that the throughput capacity of the controller can be indirectly determined based on the Shannon redundancy value (= measure of organization, R). The theoretical value of R for the inflection point of the throughput graph is about 0.31. It is assumed that self-organization is accompanied by an increase in order. This hypothesis was tested on examples of strong internal organization (mammalian skulls and metapodial bones). It was shown that the controller does not provide strict control of the size/shape of the skull and postcranial bones, but supports an unexpectedly high variety of these morphological systems (R < 0.31). The study of the measure of organization in the postnal ontogenesis of the beaver and common mole rat (Rodentia) confirms this position. We assumed that the throughput of the controller of complex systems is bounded from above (the inflection point on the throughput graph), and the level of diversity of the system itself is the asymptotic maximum of the throughput capacity on the same graph. According to the level of internal ordering, the studied systems belong to the category of probabilistic-deterministic ones. During the discussion of the results we used the ideas from the works of Yu. Puzachenko.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: G. S. Rozenberg
Reviewer: Y. N. Litvinov
Received on: 16 June 2020
Published on: 06 October 2020


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