Principles of the Ecology
scientific journal
ISSN 2304-6465
WoS (ZR)
About journal
Editorial board
Issue № 2. 2012.
From the editorial board
Korosov A. V.
The main theme
Displays: 6586; Downloads: 1715;
Analytical review
Volkova T., Bagina U.
Ecological aspects of the multidrug resistance to chemotherapy agents
Displays: 39373; Downloads: 2880;
4 - 21
Lyapkov S.
Geographical variation and sexual differences of body length and age composition in Rana temporaria: the ontogenetic development and phenotypic trends
Displays: 10431; Downloads: 2404;
22 - 44
Methods of ecological investigations
Gorbach V., Saarinen K.
Measuring the species occurrence and relative abundance in faunal studies: a case study of Finnish butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea)
Displays: 16523; Downloads: 3743;
45 - 53
Korosov A.
On the contradiction between the statistical parameters of population dynamics
Displays: 10004; Downloads: 1935;
54 - 59
Khabibullin V. F.
Logical aspects of specification and classification of animal trophic groups
Displays: 10501; Downloads: 2300;
60 - 64
Original research
Gaigysh I. S., Tarasova V., Markovskaja E.
Effect of forest fragmentation on the epiphytic lichen cover of pine trunks on the example taiga town
Displays: 8943; Downloads: 1971;
65 - 71
Ivanter E.
Peripheral populations of polytypic species and its role in the evolutionary process
Displays: 11683; Downloads: 1975;
72 - 76
Ivicheva K., Filonenko I.
Assessment of the influense of the river pool development on the water quality by means of GIS methods
Displays: 8921; Downloads: 2009;
77 - 82
Kuranov B.
The reproductive parameters in birds at technogenic contaminated environment
Displays: 8404; Downloads: 2251;
83 - 88
Ilyukha V. A.
The book which is necessary for reading
Displays: 6888; Downloads: 1701;
89 - 90