Kulakov D. Using of zooplankton indicators in assessing the quality of waters in two lakes in the Gulf of Finland basin // Principy èkologii. 2017. № 3. P. 93‒100. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2017.6662

Issue № 3

Original research


Using of zooplankton indicators in assessing the quality of waters in two lakes in the Gulf of Finland basin

Dr. of biological sciences, Institute of Geoecology named by E. M. Sergeeva of RAS, Srednij Prospekt 41, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 199004, dvkulakov@mail.ru
water quality assessment.
Summary: In 2012–2015 zooplankton studies were carried out and the quality of the waters of the Kopanskoe and the Gorovaldayskoe lakes belonging to the Gulf of Finland basin (Leningrad region) was assessed. Under the frame of long-term monitoring studies on these waterbodies, such work has not previously been carried out. The sampling stations were located in the coastal part of the waterbodies. Zooplankton of the lakes included 46 taxons of species and subspecies ranks, it was typical of the North-West of Russia and represented mainly by eurybiontic species with high ecological plasticity. In Gorovaldayskoe lake most affected by the anthropogenic influence, in comparison with the Kopanskoe, showed the lowest species richness and the lowest values of the biodiversity index. Nevertheless, the mass development of Cladocera, which made the main contribution to the population and the biomass of the community, promoted the active development of the processes of biological self-purification of this lake, as evidenced by a decrease by coefficient trophicity. According to the saprobity index in the waters of the studied lakes belonged to the oligosaprobic – β-mesosaprobic zone.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 22 May 2017
Published on: 28 October 2017


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