Gapanovich S., Levchenko V. ON THE ISSUE OF INFORMATION ANTHROPOECOLOGY // Principy èkologii. 2017. № 4. P. 4‒16. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 4

Analytical review



IEFB RAN, 44 Thorez av., 194223, St. Petersburg RUSSIA,
D.Sc., IEFB RAN, 44 Thorez av., 194223, St. Petersburg RUSSIA,
Summary: In the article we consider modern features of the information flows created by man, which are becoming an increasingly significant part of the artificial habitat, and their impact on people. We tried to generalize the available data. The problem statement is due to the declared transition of the modern society to the "information and post-industrial" stage of development. To understand the specifics of such development an anthropo-ecological approach is required, that is, with account taken of the dual - biological and social - essence of human. It is in a natural habitat that the human brain and sense organs are evolutionarily adapted for receiving and assimilating information. At the same time, the high rate of changing the environment, especially of its information components, casts doubt on the possibility of successful adaptation to these changes. The appearance of such terms as "information ecology" and "information pollution" is a symptom of important changes that have occurred in the human environment. The interdisciplinary approach enables attempting to apply the methods used to describe the processes of evolution in the biosphere to the processes of the development of the information sector and human culture as a whole. The information processes have multifaceted nature, high dynamics and global scale, and it is necessary to consider their complex influence - on the one hand, as a biologically significant factor, on the other hand - as a cultural development factor.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: A. Brodsky
Reviewer: V. Kuperin
Reviewer: I. Liseev
Received on: 10 August 2016
Published on: 10 January 2018


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