Komarova A., Zhuravleva I., Yablokov V. Open-source multispectral remote sensing data for the investigation of plant communities // Principy èkologii. 2016. № 1. P. 40‒71. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2016.4922

Issue № 1

Methods of ecological investigations


Open-source multispectral remote sensing data for the investigation of plant communities

Greenpeace Russia, Leningradsky pr-t 26/1, Moscow, anna.komarova@greenpeace.org
Greenpeace Russia, Leningradsky pr-t 26/1, Moscow, ilona.zhuravleva@greenpeace.org
Greenpeace Russia, Leningradsky pr-t 26/1, Moscow, vasily.yablokov@greenpeace.org
satellite images
plant communities
Summary: In the article the possibilities of the multispectral remote sensing data to study the plant communities are shown. The usage of open-source data in visual and infrared spectral bands is considered. The possible ways to receive free satellite images in different resolutions, the main methods of their analysis as well as the characteristics and the area of application of these images are presented. The information is specified with the examples of the projects realized at the GIS-Lab and Forest Unit of Greenpeace Russia.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: V. Miles
Reviewer: A. A. Korosov
Received on: 04 March 2016
Published on: 05 April 2016


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