Klenina A., Bakiev A. Volume of eggs in the clutches of Grass snake Natrix natrix and Dice snake N. tessellata: error correction // Principy èkologii. 2015. № 4. P. 11‒21. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2015.4602

Issue № 4

Original research


Volume of eggs in the clutches of Grass snake Natrix natrix and Dice snake N. tessellata: error correction

   Anastasiya Aleksandrovna
Institute of Ecology of Volga river Basin of Russian Academy of Science, 445003, Russia, Samara region, Togliatti , Komzina st., 10, colubrida@yandex.ru
   Andrey Gennadievich
Institute of Ecology of Volga river Basin of Russian Academy of Science, 445003, Russia, Samara region, Togliatti , Komzina st., 10, herpetology@list.ru
Natrix natrix
Natrix tessellata
volume of an egg
Summary: The authors have made a mistake in calculating the volume of eggs in the clutches of snake family Natrix. In this article we correct the error. As a result, it was revealed, that the volume of eggs positively correlates with a female length and its mass, as well as with the quantity of eggs in the clutches. There is a positive correlation between the characteristics of newborn snakes (length and mass) and the volume of eggs, from which they hatched.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 24 November 2015
Published on: 19 January 2016


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