Sofronova A. Legal status of environmental non-profit organizations and citizens in Russia and Finland // Principy èkologii. 2015. № 3. P. 4‒11. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 3

Analytical review


Legal status of environmental non-profit organizations and citizens in Russia and Finland

Petrozavodsk State University, Flat 12, 1a, Anokhin st. Petrozavodsk 185035,
environmental organizations
non-governmental organizations
environmental rights of citizens
foreign agents
the status of NGO
Summary: One of the main human rights is the right to have a healthy and sustainable environment. It is guaranteed by the basic law of a state and can be implemented by various methods not contravening the laws of the country. The way to implement this right is well established in international practice, it is related to involving citizens interested in improving the quality of the environment, in non-profit or non-governmental organizations for environmental protection. However, in practice the person inclined to the active protection of their environmental rights may face a number of legislative bars. In this article the administrative and legal status of the subjects of environmental law in Russia and Finland are compared.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: A. Markovsky
Reviewer: V. Petrov
Received on: 25 June 2015
Published on: 30 October 2015


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