Kalinkina N. Distribution of relic crustaceans in the deep lakes of Karelia in connection with geological features of the region // Principy èkologii. 2015. № 2. P. 38‒54. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2015.4124

Issue № 2

Original research


Distribution of relic crustaceans in the deep lakes of Karelia in connection with geological features of the region

   Nataliya Mikhailovna
D.Sc., Northern Water Problems Institute, KRC RAN, Aleksander Nevsky st., 50. 185030 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia Russia, kalina@nwpi.krc.karelia.ru
deep lakes
relic crustaceans
active faults
water mineralization.
Summary: The geographical location of deep-water lakes in Karelia was analyzed using the correlation and regression analysis methods. It was shown that the position of lakes is confined to the Central Karelian zone of active faults extending to the northwest. The connection between the deep-water lakes location and Central Karelian fault zone was confirmed statistically. In deep lakes of Karelia there exist relic crustaceans, that is associated with low temperature in bottom water layers in the summer. The greatest abundance and biomass of relict crustaceans occur in lakes with maximum mineralization (70-100 mg/l). Low mineralization of water (less than 47 mg / l) is the factor limiting the development of relict crustaceans in the lakes of Karelia.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: V. Tahteev
Reviewer: A. E. Veselov
Received on: 16 April 2015
Published on: 23 July 2015


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