Rodionov A., Korosov A., Golubev V., Zarodov A., Markovsky A. On the possible impact of the reduction of cutting age on the amount of the sustainable use of forest // Principy èkologii. 2014. № 4. P. 53‒67. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 4

Original research


On the possible impact of the reduction of cutting age on the amount of the sustainable use of forest

   Andrey Victorovich
PhD, NGO «SPOK», 185035, Petrozavodsk, M.Gorki st., 21,
D.Sc., NGO «SPOK», 185035, Petrozavodsk, M.Gorki st., 21,
PhD, NGO «SPOK», 185035, Petrozavodsk, M.Gorki st., 21,
NGO «SPOK», 185035, Petrozavodsk, M.Gorki st., 21,
PhD, NGO «SPOK», 185035, Petrozavodsk, M.Gorki st., 21 Gor,
the sustainable forest management
cutting age
the amount of use
Summary: The paper presents the evaluation of the possible effect of the reduction of cutting age on the amount of sustainable use of forests for the neighborhood of deep woodwork enterprises. For the calculations the computer program, developed by the authors was used. This program allowed calculating the amount of sustainable management of forests based on the simulation model of the dynamics of the entire age structure of the forest (Proposed approach).

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: A. M. Tsypuk
Published on: 26 February 2015


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