Lyabzina S., Uzenbaev S. On the invasion of the parasitic fly Lucilia bufonivora (Diptera, Calliphoridae) on the common frog // Principy èkologii. 2014. № 2. P. 33‒39. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 2

Original research


On the invasion of the parasitic fly Lucilia bufonivora (Diptera, Calliphoridae) on the common frog

Ph.D, Petrozavodsk State University, Lenin st., 33,
Ph.D, Petrozavodsk State University, Lenin st., 33,
Lucilia bufonivora
the common frog
Summary: Lucilia bufonivora is an obligate, specialised parasite of amphibians. Larval development takes place in the host body. The paper gives a detailed description of parasite observation. This observation was carried out beginning with the moment of finding larvae in the head of the frog till its death and adults flying out. Initially the larvae are located deep in the nostrils, occasionally crawling out on the head. In the frontal part of the frog’s head between the eyes, under the skin, they form a noticeable tubercle. The larvae in the head disturb the frog and lead to its death. After the death of the frog, the larvae move to the nostrils for time, filling them completely. In a day they destroy all soft tissues and cartilages of the host body. The development of larvae on the corpse continues for two days, then they move into the soil for pupation. Their puparia are located under the corpse at a depth of several centimeters. The adults fly out on the 10th day after their pupation. Of the 78 larvae found on the corpse, there were 59 flies, (31 females and 28 males).

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: G. Lada
Reviewer: A. Kutenkov
Received on: 27 October 2014
Published on: 01 December 2014

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