Rumyantsev Y. On the usage of the data on the parasites of fishes in exploring typologic status of the lakes in the North of Europe // Principy èkologii. 2013. № 4. P. 4‒9. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 4

Analytical review


On the usage of the data on the parasites of fishes in exploring typologic status of the lakes in the North of Europe

PetrSU, 185910, Petrozavodsk, Lenin st., 33,
parasites of fishes
development of lakes
faunal complex
Summary: This work is devoted to the investigation of typological status of lakes in the North of Europe (on the example of inland water bodies of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula). For that purpose, the parasites of fishes are used as ecological criteria. It is shown that the eutrophication and dystrophication are the main natural processes defining the development and typology of lakes. They occur concurrently and directionally, but they are not identical in different lakes. Parasites of fishes serve as reliable ecological indicators of these processes.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: N. M. Kalinkina
Received on: 06 March 2014
Published on: 20 March 2014

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