Shklyarevich G. Taxonomic and biogeographic structure of intertidal invertebrates in Kandalaksha and Onega Bay of the White Sea // Principy èkologii. 2013. № 4. P. 39‒56. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 4

Original research


Taxonomic and biogeographic structure of intertidal invertebrates in Kandalaksha and Onega Bay of the White Sea

PetrSU, 185910, Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Lenin st, 33,
White Sea
intertidal invertebrates
taxonomic composition
Summary: This paper presents a comparative analysis of the taxonomic composition of the littoral macrozoobenthosis population in two bays of the White Sea . It is shown that in the investigated region the pecularities of chorologic placement of intertidal invertebrates correspond to the specificity of local environmental conditions, primarily the hydrological regime of water masses which defines the edaphic conditions and temperature-salt regime of shallows. Communities of intertidal invertebrates form independent biochorological faunistic complexes in Kandalaksha and Onega Bay of the White Sea.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: N. Maximovich
Reviewer: V. F. Bryazgin
Received on: 25 February 2014
Published on: 22 March 2014

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