Acbarpur D. Assessment of environmental impact as a result of industrial development in the Pars special economic energy zone // Principy èkologii. 2014. № 1. P. 25‒42. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 1

Original research


Assessment of environmental impact as a result of industrial development in the Pars special economic energy zone

St.-Petersburg state university, St.-Petersburg, 10-line, 33-35,
industrial development
Pars special economic energy zone
environmental impact assessment
Leopold matrices
Summary: In the Pars special economic energy zone, the rapid industrial development has been affecting the environment severely. In order to restore the environment, definite expenses are necessary. The damaging effect on the environment (natural resources) caused by the industrial zone can be assessed directly or indirectly. To investigate the Pars economic zone in the province Bushehr, GIS-methods were used. Possible impact of industrial projects on different media: physical and chemical, biological, social and economic was considered. In order to estimate the ecological consequences of the changes of ecological conditions in the area investigated Leopold matrices (with some modifications) were used. As a result, both positive and negative changes were revealed in the Pars zone. Taking into account all parameters, two variants were proposed and compared using lobbying tables. Variant C seemed the best, as having minimal negative and maximal positive rating

© Petrozavodsk State University

Published on: 02 October 2014

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