Eskov Valery | D.Sc., professor, Kurchatov Institute NRC, 4 Energetikov St. Surgut Russia, |
Gazya Gennady | Ph.D., Yugra State University, 15 Stroiteley St. Nefteyugansk Russia, |
Filatova Olga | D.Sc., professor, Kurchatov Institute NRC, 4 Energetikov St. Surgut Russia, |
Keywords: system emergence chaos Eskov – Zinchenko effect |
Summary: This paper reveals the essence of the problem of emergence in ecology, which is primarily related to how ecosystems consisting of many interacting components exhibit properties that cannot be predicted or understood solely based on the properties of individual components. The dynamics of the behavior of such complex systems cannot be fully explained by studying each of their properties individually.
The publication highlights examples of real emergence in ecology, taking into account the principles of organizing the emergence of the mind. The authors call for a discussion of the importance of the general theory of systems for ecologists and environmental science. In the article, ecosystems are presented as systems of the third type, which are real Complexity, the study of which must be carried out in accordance with the principles of general systems theory, system analysis and system synthesis.
The article of GS Rosenberg « Comment by the translator on the article of Warren Weaver » raises a fundamental question for ecology: is emergence and systemic principles used in ecology? It is well known that ecology is now divided into many sections (sciences). These sciences (systemic ecology, animal ecology, human ecology, industrial ecology, etc.) study different ecosystems, but often without a systemic principle. G.S. Rosenberg touches upon the possibility and raises the problem of a systematic approach in all sections of ecology from the standpoint of the Eskov-Zinchenko effect. This effect brought the whole ecology to the solution of the problem of system synthesis, which is now absent in all sciences about living systems. Solving the problem of system synthesis is impossible within the framework of modern science precisely because of the Eskov-Zinchenko effect. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Received on: 05 November 2024 Published on: 26 December 2024 |
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