Zinovjev V., Pestov S. Biological damage of tree leaves in green spaces of the city of Kirov // Principy èkologii. 2021. № 4. P. 38‒48. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2021.11842

Issue № 4

Original research


Biological damage of tree leaves in green spaces of the city of Kirov

   Vladislav Vyacheslavovich
Vyatka state university, Kirov region, Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 36, vladislavzinovjev@yandex.ru
   Sergey Vasiljevich
PhD, Docent, Vyatka state university, Kirov region, Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 36, atylotus@mail.ru
leaf damage
green spaces
leaf chlorosis
leaf necrosis
phytopathogenic fungi
Summary: The article presents the results of a study of various pests that damage the leaves of seven species of woody plants – silver birch, small-leaved linden, rowan, white elm, trembling poplar, pollard oak and bird cherry on the territory of the city of Kirov. We surveyed seven parks and squares, which are located in residential and industrial areas. For the study, samples were carried out of 100 leaves for each type of plant from each site. The material was collected during the growing season of 2020. In total, 15 types of damage were detected on the studied tree species. Of all the types of damage to foliage, only 10 types were caused by arthropod phytophages, the remaining five types were caused by other causes. Also, mine damage caused by the invasive pest of the small-leaved linden – the linden moth – midget moth (Phyllonoricter issikii) was found on territories that were different in their purpose and conservation status. During the study, it was found out that the damage caused by sucking insects, which are represented by various species of aphids, were the most massive (37.4 % of the total number of analyzed leaf blades) of all the observed types of damage. The damage caused by gall aphids (less than 1 %) and leaf miner flies (less than 1 %), which were found on white elm and silver birch, respectively, were isolated on the territory of the city of Kirov. Indicators of urbanized environment conditions are gall-forming and sucking insects. The intensity of damage caused by gnawing insects is not directly related to the level of anthropogenic impact.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 27 May 2021
Published on: 06 December 2021


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