Puzachenko M., Shironya I. Organization and dynamics of organogenic relief of the raised bog // Principy èkologii. 2020. № 3. P. 45‒55. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2020.10882

Issue № 3

Conference proceedings May 22, 2020


Organization and dynamics of organogenic relief of the raised bog

   Mikhail Yuryevich
PhD, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119017, Staromonetny lane, 29, Moscow, Russia, m.yu.puzachenko@igras.ru
A.N. Severtsov Institute of ecology and evolution of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Russia, 119071, Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 33, ivan.shironya@gmail.com
raised bog
bog water level
moss accretion
Summary: The work is devoted to the study of the organization of the relief structure and dynamic of the raised bog massif based on multiple measurements on a transect with a regular step of 5 m and a length of 575 m. The transect crosses the slope of the bog massif with a height difference of about 1 m from the edge parts to its center in the sub-latitudinal direction. Long-term measurements of heights showed their significant variation with amplitude of up to 40 cm. To identify possible mechanisms that determine the variation of heights, we measured the moss accretions and the level of bog water at the points of elevation measurement for 5 years. Based on measurements of terrain heights using factor analysis, its invariant and dynamic components in space-time were distinguished. It was found that for the medium-low frequency components of the spectrum of the invariant and dynamic components of the terrain heights, the dimension was topological. The high-frequency component of the spectrum of the invariant component of the terrain had a dimension slightly lower than the topological dimension, and for the dynamic component it was slightly higher than brown noise. The measurements of moss accretions and bog water level also revealed their invariant and dynamic components, which spectrum dimension was similar for all frequencies and slightly higher than brown noise. A joint analysis of measurements of bog surface heights, moss accretions, and bog water levels showed that the invariant and dynamic components of the terrain were almost completely described by the bog water level and moss accretions. At the same time, the invariant and dynamic components of moss accretions and bog water level are determined from the other variables only for large and medium periods of their variation. Thus, there are two main mechanisms for organizing the topography of the bog surface, which differ for its micro and meso-macro forms. Additional mechanisms of organization and dynamics for small periods of their variation may be available for moss growth and bog water level.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 05 July 2020
Published on: 06 October 2020


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