Issue № 2

Original research



   Natalia Vladimirovna
D.Sc., professor, Murmansk Arctic State University, Murmansk, Kapitan Egorov st., 15,
   Darya Anatolyevna
Murmansk Arctic State University, 183 038 Mutmansk, Kapitan Egorov St., 15,
Syringa josikae Jacq.
Summary: The results of 2-year monitoring of the growth and development of Syringa josikaea Jacq. fil (Hungarian lilac) in the conditions of the Atlantic-Arctic climate of Murmansk (68°58' s. s., 33°4' s. d.) are presented. Phenological indicators were studied at four trial sites in different districts of the city. The vegetation period of S. josikaea at the latitude of the city of Murmansk is 125–136 days. A significant shortening of a number of phenological phases and their shift to later dates in comparison with other cities in the North of Russia was revealed. The sum of active temperatures (SАТ) above 0 °С for each phenophase was calculated. It was shown that the phenophases of bud development, shoot growth, flowering, and leaf fall of S. josikaea occur almost synchronously in different regions of Murmansk and in the control, with the sums of active temperatures that differ significantly over the years. At the same time, phenophases can pass at minimum values of the sum of active temperatures. It can indicate that the development processes of S. josikaea are largely determined by genetics. Hungarian lilac is a species with a wide response rate, since it successfully vegetates and blooms in the conditions of the polar day and low temperatures of the Arctic region.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Received on: 12 February 2020
Published on: 23 June 2020


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