Ryazanov S., Kulagina V., Grachev A., Sungatullina L., Zabelkin S., Shagidullin R. Effect of biochars from sewage sludge on plant growth, soil microorganisms, and nitrogen content in grey forest soils // Principy èkologii. 2020. № 4. P. 54‒70. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2020.10282

Issue № 4

Original research


Effect of biochars from sewage sludge on plant growth, soil microorganisms, and nitrogen content in grey forest soils

   Stanislav Sergeevich
PhD, Research Institute of Ecology and Mineral Management Problems of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (separate subdivision of State institution Tatarstan Academy of Sciences), Russian Federation, Kazan, 28 Daurskaya st., 420087, erydit@yandex.ru
   Valentina Ivanovna
PhD, Research Institute of Ecology and Mineral Management Problems of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (separate subdivision of State institution Tatarstan Academy of Sciences), Russian Federation, Kazan, 28 Daurskaya st., 420087, viksoil@mail.ru
   Andrey Nikolaevich
D.Sc, Kazan National Research Technological University; Energolesprom, LLC, 68 Karl Marx st., 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation;26 Shchapova st., 420015, Kazan, Russian Federation, energolesprom@gmail.com
   Lutsia Mansurovna
Research Institute of Ecology and Mineral Management Problems of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (separate subdivision of State institution Tatarstan Academy of Sciences), Russian Federation, Kazan, 28 Daurskaya st., 420087, sunlyc@yandex.ru
   Sergey Andreevich
Ph.D., Kazan National Research Technological University; Energolesprom, LLC, 68 Karl Marx st., 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation;26 Shchapova st., 420015, Kazan, Russian Federation, szabelkin@gmail.com
   Rifgat Roaldovich
Doctor of Chem. Sci., Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Institute of Ecology and Subsoil Use of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (a separate subdivision of the State Scientific Institution of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan), Russia, Kazan, st. Daurskaya, 28, 420087, shagidullin_@mail.ru
biomass and height of plants
groups of microorganisms
pyrolysis temperature
sewage sludge
Summary: The aim of this study was to assess the impact of biochar obtained from sewage sludge at different pyrolysis temperatures on the height and biomass of oat and mustard plants, as well as on the microbiological parameters of gray forest soil. The biochar was obtained at the fast pyrolysis unit FPP02 at a temperature of 300 + 20 °C and 500 + 20 °С. During the laboratory vegetation experiment, 2%, 5% and 10% of biochar from the soil weight were added to the soil. Oat and white mustard plants were grown in vegetational pots for 42 days. The height and biomass of white mustard plants increased compared to the control when adding 2 % and 5% of biochar obtained at 500 °C, and 2 % of biochar obtained at 300 °C. When 10% biochar obtained at 300º was added to the soil, the productivity of oat and mustard plants decreased compared to the control. The introduction of biochar from sewage sludge contributed to an increase in the total nitrogen content in the soil. At that the number of most trophic groups of microorganisms increased, and more significantly -- when biochar obtained at 300º was added. The highest correlation between the concentration of biochar obtained at 300º and the number of microorganisms was observed for microscopic fungi, the lowest -- for the group of pedotrophic microorganisms.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: N. Buchkina
Reviewer: E. Zharikova
Received on: 03 February 2020
Published on: 26 December 2020


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