Voskoboynikova I., Telepina J., Kalizhuk V. Environmental and recreational assessment of I. M. Poddubny Park in the city of Yeysk // Principy èkologii. 2020. № 3. P. 87‒97. DOI: 10.15393/j1.art.2020.10102

Issue № 3

Original research


Environmental and recreational assessment of I. M. Poddubny Park in the city of Yeysk

   Inna Vladimirovna
D.Sc., Associate Professor, Novocherkassk Engineering and Land Reclamation Institute of Don State Agrarian University, Pushkinskaya st., 111, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russian Federation, 346428, nochka67@inbox.ru
   Julia Vitalyevna
Ph.D., -, Novocherkassk Engineering and Land Reclamation Institute of Don State Agrarian University, Pushkinskaya st., 111, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russian Federation, 346428, telepina@inbox.ru
   Vera Andreevna
-, -, Novocherkassk Engineering and Land Reclamation Institute of Don State Agrarian University, Pushkinskaya st., 111, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russian Federation, 346428, -
temporary test sites
species composition
assessment of plantings state
environmental monitoring
Summary: Maintaining the quality of the urban environment is an urgent task of our time. However, on the territory of the city of Yeysk, green spaces also perform recreational functions, since the city is a resort. Under these conditions, the quality of the environment depends not only on the high class of resistance of the stands, but also on the recreational pressure on them. Therefore, it is so important to conduct continuous ecological and recreational monitoring at the greening facilities of the urbanized territories. In the city of Yeisk, large territories are occupied by woodlands, the main of which is the I. M. Poddubny Park. Therefore, in 2019-2020, we conducted a study to establish the relationship between the state of this cenosis and the recreational impact exerted on it. On the territory of the park, 5 temporary test sites of 0.25 ha each were laid. Determination of the state of the park cenosis was carried out taking into account the requirements of the “Guidelines for the design, organization and management of forest pathology monitoring". To determine the level of recreational impact, the recreational density, attendance and intensity were calculated at all test sites of the research object in accordance with All-Russian standard 56-100-95. In the course of the research it was established that this plantation is "weakened" and requires the implementation of sanitary measures in the park. There are 29 species of herbaceous vegetation recorded on the site. Of these, the first place is shared by the ruderal and meadow-steppe groups in terms of coenotic affinity, the share of which is 35% for each group of the total number of species studied. The share of meadow plants is 24 %, and the steppe ones – 6 %.The abundance of weeds indicates the weedy nature of the grass cover. The I. M. Poddubny Park is characterized by the presence of two zones: active recreation and limited recreation, so the value of recreational density varies from relatively low (in the zone of limited recreation) to high (on test sites in the zone of active recreation). The relationship of recreational load with the state of plantings and grassy cover on the studied territory, as well as with the stage of recreational digression, is established. Constraints equations are obtained that allow predicting the state of plantings and the percentage of weed-ruderal vegetation with an increase in recreational density in both the active and restricted recreation zones. Analysis of the forecast equations allows us to state that an increase in the recreational density to 13-15 people/ha leads to a significant activation of the degradation processes of the studied phytocenosis. A further increase in the load can lead to irreversible changes in the phytocenosis. Therefore, a recreational load exceeding 15 people/ha is not recommended in the I. M. Poddubny Park.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: L. Kubrina
Reviewer: D. Andreev
Received on: 13 January 2020
Published on: 01 October 2020


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