Rumyantsev D., Frolova V. Prospects for monitoring the state of the city green fund using sensors of internet of things // Principy èkologii. 2020. № 2. P. 111‒119. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 2

Methods of ecological investigations


Prospects for monitoring the state of the city green fund using sensors of internet of things

   Denis EvgenYevich
D.Sc., assistant professor, Mytishi filial of Moscow state technology university, 141005, Moscow region, Mytischi, 1st Institutskaya, 1, LT2,
   Vera Alekseevna
Ph.D., assistant professor, Mytishi filial of Moscow state technology university, 141005, Moscow region, Mitischi, 1st Institutskaya, 1, LT2,
monitoring of the state of green spaces
internet of things
Summary: The need for automation and intelligent decision-making is becoming increasingly important in the development and implementation of modern technologies in all spheres of human society. The term “Internet of things” refers to the concept of a computer network of physical objects ("things") equipped with built-in technologies to interact and exchange data with each other and the external environment. The scope of care for woody plants in an urbanized environment and the care of green areas in cities is no exception. In monitoring the state of woody plants in an urbanized environment, diameter growth sensors that record cambial activity during the growing season can be of great importance. Dendroclimatic information contains significant potential for use in urban green economy. In particular, in combination with methods for visual assessment of the state of plantations, it can already be used in the practice of diagnosing an unfavorable soil water regime in urban plantations. In the future, it can become a reliable component in the system of intellectual control based on the concept of the Internet of things. In addition to woody plants, the most important component of landscaping urban green areas is lawns. "Rules of creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces of the city of Moscow" emphasize the need to maintain a proper level of soil moisture under lawns by regular watering, which must be quickly appointed depending on the weather, preventing soil from drying out and maintaining its constant moderate humidity.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Reviewer: Y. M. Avdeev
Reviewer: I. V. Voskoboynikova
Received on: 22 December 2019
Published on: 26 June 2020


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